Posted By: ~ Rae ~ The Sacred Androgyne - 06/19/06 05:55 AM
There are many spiritual traditions that recognize and honor the Sacred Androgyne. A blended or third gender was often considered a sign of blessing.

The Sacred Androgyne
Posted By: emaster101 Re: The Sacred Androgyne - 07/10/06 02:59 PM
Posted By: elle Re: The Sacred Androgyne - 07/11/06 02:57 AM
Because it is whole. We currently live dualistically in our universe - male and female, yin and yang, night and day, cause and effect, action and reaction, darkness and light, good and bad, north and south, east and west - so many areas have an exact polar opposite. So when these opposites are blended somehow, a new entity is created combining the elements of both in wholeness. It's progress. There are some who believe that we may evolve to be completely androgynous with no more inequality between genders, just for a start.
Posted By: emaster101 Re: The Sacred Androgyne - 07/11/06 03:13 AM
How would we breed? What about individuality? Do we have to be one to be equal?
Posted By: ~ Rae ~ Re: The Sacred Androgyne - 07/11/06 03:58 AM
emaster, it's not a literal biological concept. It's psychological, emotional and societal. I'm pretty sure Nature intends us to stay male and female, and if that's going to change, it will take a few million years at least.
Posted By: elle Re: The Sacred Androgyne - 07/11/06 04:04 AM
Hypothetically, in Schild's Ladder, Science Fiction author Greg Egan wrote a fascinating speculation of how an androgenous community might exist in many millennia from now. In this speculation each person is highly individual and they have their own strengths and weaknesses. These people have much longer lifespans than we do, so they are able to choose one experience for a while and then choose something else. The way that these people breed, or even determine a potential relationship, is based on brain chemistry which triggers the changing shape of their genitals to fit the person they have subconciously chosen as their long-term partner.

Do we have to be one to be equal?

There is still a lot of prejudice in our world. There is distrust between the genders and also between different races, religions, etc. It certainly doesn't have to be this way - and I do hope we don't have to wait millennia before the differences are sorted out for us by evolution. Today, there are people who live peacefully side by side in love, friendship, and acceptance - different colours, races, religions, sexual orientation, male and female. Respecting and honouring each other as equals can work. Hopefully more people will begin to realise that.
Posted By: emaster101 Re: The Sacred Androgyne - 07/12/06 09:17 AM
I'm just not sure I want to look like Boy George.LOL.
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