Here's a new article I hope you will enjoy.
Sharing and Gifting is paramount in American Indian culture. We definitely "Pay it Forward" on a daily basis, and it's all about the Circle. When you give of yourself and possessions it starts a Circle which ensures your generosity will come back around to you.

Gifting - A Unique Banking System

Have a story about a gift that followed the Circle back to you? Please share it with us.
Here's one of my Crazy Circles. We were at a Pow-Wow in South Carolina with a young couple. I was helping with their wedding plans. We visited a vendor from up North who immediately recognized my choker was made by Hilda Barnes. She asked where and how I came by that piece, as Ms. Barnes does not travel to the South. It was a gift. Then she asked about my yoke. It's made from recyced leather and adorned with birds and flowers burned into the leather. When I told her it was also a gift, she exclaimed, "WHO ARE YOU?"
I was stunned and could only reply "Pardon me?" Our young friends were standing nearby and didn't know what to do.

The vendor clarified her question, "who are you, that you would receive gifts like these?" Well the choker was an anniversary present from my husband. He follows me around at Pow-Wow and when I comment on something, he sneaks behind me and buys it. The yoke was from a friend. It had been gifted to her, but no longer fit and wasn't being used. She gifted it to me as a thank you for successful work on a financial matter, knowing I would love it. While the gifts may seem remarkable, how I obtained them certainly was not. But the circle wasn't finished.

Several months later we are at the wedding site, finalizing our plans. There is a restaurant nearby with fabulous cole slaw and we walked over to order some for the wedding. With the young bride again by my side, I talked with the owner and asked for the price. We've eaten at this place for years, it's a favorite. But I was surprised when my money was refused, the bride was shocked, yet again.

We made it out the door before she exclaimed, "WHO ARE YOU?"
I have been helping couples with their weddings for years. My time and experience are freely shared, and always reciprocated. It's not that remarkable either, I absolutely love helping to make the day special.

With each event, the Circle of Giving has grown to include others, I'm merely the one who starts it. Generosity can be as contagious as a smile and the best part, everyone benefits.

What a wonderful article, Jane. Thank you for sharing the concept of gifting that can bring peace and joy to us.

I am a spiritual coach and I find that it is a form of gifting and banking. I am able to help people at my online site by listening and offering suggestions to guide them on their spiritual path. They receive help from me to grow spiritually and I receive the chance to keep food in my pantry.

However, the greatest gift I receive is the knowledge that I have been able to help someone. A young person reached out for help and I offered to help him for free, as a friend. Together we traveled a difficult path. Over several weeks of discussions and sharing I have seen this person grow spiritually in an amazing way. Through prayer and support this young man has reached a point where he can stand strong and face his trials and tribulations. This is the greatest gift I can receive -- he reached out, I took his hand, and a miracle happened. He gained spiritual strength and I gained a beautiful friend - we both have the knowledge that we are there for each other. He is able to follow his true path and I have received the gift of knowing he is going to be at peace in his spirit and in his heart. There is no greater gift for me than to help someone achieve what he has achieved. I light sage and give thanks to Creator every day for this gift of spiritual enlightenment I see in my friend.


So, just great, awesome and every word in between. I know what you're saying. That happened to me once. I don't make a habit out of it, lol.

But there's no agenda, but things seem to be, I don't have the right word, but maybe energy or something is enough to be put out there where enough seem to be attracted or grouped at the right time and place (no agent, lol) to where someone or a group of people actually say, "Who are you?" And they mean it.

It's like an impact you had no idea that would punch a hole in anything. You're not after anything, but it's like an invisible collective that I don't know seems to balance with affirmation, like if you don't recognize it...other people do?
This happened to my Mother shortly after I finished her dance shawl. She attended a Pow-Wow but didn't yet have a fan. She was able to borrow one from a friend of a friend.

As the dancing concluded, my Mother went to return the large fan with beautiful turkey feathers. The lady told her that she had another fan, the one borrowed was her spare. My Mother needed a fan to dance, and the borrowed one was now hers.

I've often wondered how this beautiful Circle was completed.
Posted By: .... Re: Gifting - A Unique Banking System - 06/09/11 06:01 PM
Jane your article and this entire topic gives me shivers! The simple circle of banking, of giving, of sharing seems to move like the sun and moon. As one sets, the other rises in tandem.

It's a beautiful story you tell of this incredible cycle phenomenon. You didn't just put it in words-you put in eloquent words that touch even the hardest heart! Thank you Jane, for your words are a gift in an infinite bank of wisdom.
Thank you for your kind words. Words can be a gift themselves, and I've found myself paying closer attention since writing this article. With all the incivility in the world, we need all the Good and Kind Word Circles we can get. Maybe we can be the source of an epidemic smile
Posted By: .... Re: Gifting - A Unique Banking System - 06/10/11 04:29 AM
I can see the headlines now!
"KINDNESS PANDEMIC REPORTED WORLDWIDE! in other news, litigation lawyers are out of work...

Deb pointed out something to me tonight and it made this thread spring to mind immediately! Keep those circles going!

*big hugs*
Posted By: Wali Re: Gifting - A Unique Banking System - 06/10/11 04:35 AM
I'm new to the forum and I love what I see! I wanted to share my gifting experience. I hired a guy to work for me on a temporary basis amd ended up forming a friendship.After his assignment was over I didn't see him for months. One day he appeared at my home, he had no place to go and only had a garbage bag with his clothes. I told him to stay with my family until her could get his life together. His life had been in turmoil, he was a foster care kid from the age of 6, had been kicked out at the age of 17 and was now 25 and had never had a real home. When I showed him to his new room he cried. He stayed with us for about 3 years. Then my daughter gave birth to a child that was blind and deaf. I quit my federal government job, and left my home to move to where my daughter lived to help her through it all. I had work as an consultant lined up, but they turned out to be a bad choice as they used me and didnt want to pay me for my work. I was left without an income for myself and a younger daughter and a son in college. The same young man called me and said don't worry, I have a good job now and I will help and take care of you like you have done for me for so many years! I did get a partime job at a publishing company so that I could stay home with my grandson and he helped me pay other expenses that have kept me out of debt and enabled me to take care of my two other children. Now that was an amazing blessing to me!
Wali, that is such a wonderful story you shared with us. Welcome to the forum. Jane is going to be very happy to hear from you and read your story. Thank you for sharing and being a part of this wonderful forum Jane is keeping.
Posted By: Wali Re: Gifting - A Unique Banking System - 06/10/11 04:56 AM
Thank you so much! I love the feel of this forum. Im in the city but when reading the topics, I feel like I'm far away from the land of cement (smile) Its peaceful and uplifting
Wali, all I can say is WOW! Your story and the Circle you created when you opened your home is one of the BEST examples how we can 'fund' a savings account through gifting. Thank you so much for joining us and sharing this beautiful Circle, full of blessings.

Your description of how our forum makes you feel is the highest compliment. WADO, MVTO, Thank You My Friend!
"KINDNESS PANDEMIC" *(priceless smile )
What a wonderful headline to start the day with. Wouldn't that be the greatest thing? I'm trying to figure out just how "contagious" I can be today. You inspire all of us again!

My morning begins with a DOUBLE WOW, and it's going to be a GREAT DAY.
It is a great day, Jane. I feel the energy and goodness gathering.

You should start a thread with that title: "KINDNESS PANDEMIC"

I love it! I believe kindness is contagious.

Posted By: .... Re: Gifting - A Unique Banking System - 06/10/11 07:38 PM
OH NO! I think I just caught the KINDNESS! *runs to hug Phyllis and Jane* sorry I can't help it--I caught all that good energy and kindness just erupted everywhere!
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