Posted By: BiblBasixEditor Explaining my absence the last year - 05/03/08 06:15 AM
I know I have been absent. I have been reaching higher with the Lord. My marriage is stronger than ever. Just last week my oldest daughter was married and in October I will become a grandma! My son graduates in May and then he will start college. I am redirecting alot of things in my life right now. I have been searching myself and my relationship with the Lord more and more. I am currently studying A Course in Miracles. I was interviewed by the 700 Club in March and the interview aired early April. You can see it here:

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Posted By: JimLow - Re: Explaining my absence the last year - 05/03/08 10:10 PM
Hi Jenna,

It's Jim, you published a couple of my articles a couple of years ago, about the fall of Lucifer.
I'm editor of Thyroid Health here now.
I saw your article featured on the homepage and wanted to drop by and express my deep appreciation for your honesty and refreshing openess in regard to your Christian struggles. I think some people see some Christians on television and believe we are trying to come across as trouble-free, happy-all-of-the-time people. It's true we have a joy deep down, that nothing can take away from us but our outward happiness can be disrupted just like it can with anyone else.
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all." Psalm 34:19
As you testified in the 700 Club video (wonderful), it's not that we are righteous within ourselves, we take on the righteousnness of Christ and is how God sees us. We are buffeted by Satan because of it and persecuted by the world and just simply have all of the same types of trials that everyone else has, in addition to that.
There are lots of examples of the greatest Prophets in God's Word, who became terribly discouraged at times and ready to give up (e.i. Elijah, John the Baptist), so we who feel strong persecution and trials, are in good company!
Thank you for the honest and inspiring testimony!
Thanks Jim!
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