The thought of a breast cancer recurrence sits in the back of our minds day in and day out. Check out the new article Local Recurrence of Breast Cancer, where we'll look at some of the common symptoms of a local breast cancer recurrence and talk about what to do next.

Do you have specific concerns about recurrence? Have you had a recurrence? Post your comments here to get support from our fantastic community ~

HI, In 1995 I had a mastectomy and in 1997 reconstructive surgery (Tram flap procedure) Following the reconstructive surgery I did not have a mamogram done on the reconstructed breast-it was tender,very dense fat and I assumed there would be NO breast tissue left. When I went for my routine mamogram in 1999, fortunately the mamogram technician felt there was enough tissue to do the procedure on. She might just have saved my life! Sure enough a small lump was detected close to the incision and original site. Stage one Grade 4. My oncologist wanted to remove the reconstructed breast..I said NO WAY and requested a second opinion. The decision was made to radiate the breast (took two procedures to get clear margins). So... something girls should be aware of... even after a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery...check that breast too. If a mamogram isn't an option have an ultrasound. When the time comes for my yearly mamogram I am scared to death even now 12 years later, but as we know, it's better to find out than not.
Hi Janie,

What an ordeal for you, but like you said -- it's better to know. (Kind of like the false positives we get from mammograms -- as stressful as they are, it's still worth it).

Hi smile
I have not posted in a long time. I do worry everytime i think of it. I have had one Breast removed in 1996 and then in 2009 i had to have the other removed. At the same time of the removal in 2009, i had breast tissue expanders put in so the the left side i had removed in 2006 would be able to handle implants.In Oct 2009 I had the implants put in.I was told i didnt have to have anything done as in mamograms of altrasounds.They said all would be fine. Guess im glad i logged in to see what all was new!! Gesh. Thanks all of all the great info i have learned in here over the yrs. Thanks again.
Hi Rottielover (and how could you not love them!) ~

I think the standard caution doctors give in this situation is to be mindful and aware of any changes to the breast area, because even with a total mastectomy, there is a possibility of some small amount of breast tissue remaining. Hence, a very minute chance of a breast cancer recurrence. Something like a hundreth of a percent. Certainly not something to lose sleep over -- and definitely no more mammograms!
Thanks blush
I think that Drs take a chance on anything they may say to us at any point. I guess noone can be 100% sure of anything. All we can do is keep our faith and keep on going.
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