To actually see the present tableaux in it's full scope with Barack Obama and his relationship with Jeremiah Wright we would have to see through the obscuring complexity of the ongoing election and witness what has actually already happened.

At present, no one has done this; and the commentators have spun the actual truth of what is happening beyond repair for most to even begin to clarify to any extent whatsoever: but what we are witnessing is the actual knowledge of what Jeremiah Wright is basing his interpretation of the message of Christ to the black congregation; and since I have already written exstensively about this is my book "The Revelation of Salvation: the Regeneration of John" it appears that the entire truth can now be approached before publication takes place: else with the blind leading the blind they both fall into a ditch.

Jeremiah Wright is one of those who have been slain by the Star of Wormwood; bitterness kills because the love of many since the 1960's and the Advent of Love has "grown cold" because "iniquity abounds". And injustice: some people cannot endure it: so they become bitter; and they break fellowship with the Spirit of Christ; who endured all with Love: and although crucified on the Cross forgave those whose were killing him as if he was sitting on the Mercyseat revealed to all who saw the veil removed: Jeremiah is not a prophet: he is an angry man who took something very valuable and darkened it with hatred; thus I have been led by the Zeal of Jehovah of hosts to bring the truth to light; for it is written that "my people will not stumble about in darkness: but shall have the light of life".

In 1492 when Columbus came to America he brought something that was new to the hemisphere: christian slavery. When the native inhabitants began to convert to christianity we had the opposite of what happened when Israel left Egypt and came into Canaan: for there the native confederation of the 7 nations made up of the 10 native tribes or races did not convert to the monotheistic belief in the One God of the Jews: they fought for the gods; and for Baal. The black race went through the 430 years of slavery in the American hemisphere in the same position that the Hebrews did in Egypt for 430 years until Moses because they were NOT native to the West: they were brought here: and were brought into captivity; and thus they stood in the same 430 years of slavery in Egypt that israel of old did; thus did we see the children of Israel; even to the fact that at the end of the 430 years the racism of the Egyptians had become so bad that they were issuing edicts to have killed all the first born males being born. But now that we have opened up the actual theme of what runs through "The Audacity of Hope" of both Jeremiah Wright and his studen Barack Obama we will have to go a little deeper and explain what this 430 years means in the scope of something larger: the coming of the Messiah. Israel also went through a 430 year period after Malachi before Jesus showed up: the same 430 year period that the Unifocation Church used to call the "national condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature"; thus the black christian race suffered the same period waiting for their Moses.

But here Jeremiah Wright is silent: because he does not consider King; Martin Luther; to be our Moses: and that is why he has lost his way; for not only was Reverend Martin Luther King in the position of our Moses on the national level; because we were on the internal providence of taking Egypt from within; just as we did after suffering the 430 years of persecution by Rome and took it over from within: the internal Providence is thus led by a figure the Jews called "the son of Joseph" as dealing with the internal jihad on the national level with replacing the power structure from within; the external Providence was with the sword; and called by it's figure "the son of David"; which meant replacing the existing power structure by force.

But the way of Jesus was obviously as "the Son of Joseph".

And so was Martin Luther King's. But now we have come to an area than Barack Obama and his cohort Jeremiah never even were aware of; except subliminally; the reason that God raised up Martin Luther King was so that in the Unity that would come between the black and white race in the body of Christ the foundation could thus be laid to unify every race; and tongue; and people on the face of the earth: and the Voice that was given to our Moses to do this act of bringing together the races was an Aaron; one Aaron Presley; but then we now have to face our Elivs: our "Golden Calf"; the creation of Hollywood. But it was the Voice given to the black race that broke the color barrier was that one God gave Aaron Presley; but we now see what the rebellion of our generation in the wilderness really was; even though Jeremiah and barack never dreamed of the entire implications of what they had stumbled one: the preperation for the coming of the Messiah.

It is this foundation which was lost: because the one person who knew what was going on remained silent: the person standing in the position of Joshua: the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. But one only needs a Joshua if one's Moses and Aaron are dead: and wouldn't you just know it: both Martin Luther King and Elvis Aaron both die in Memphis: the only major city in America named after a major city in:.... Egypt. Ancient Egypt. Who is Osiris? Cain. And who is Thoth? The son of Cain: Enoch; after which is named the first City: Atlantis.

Did not ye all know that the Last days are they as of the days of Noah? And the Flood destroyed Atlantis: and ours was San Francisco; destroyed by the flood of the dragon; while Rev. Moon; like John the Baptist before him: saw the sign in the Hair of the Nazarenes: and did not tell anyone that he was Elijah; just as John the Baptist denied he was Elijah: and thus we find that rev. Moon is John the Baptist: and john the baptist was Elijah; as Lord Jesus said.

Now all that is left is the Tabernacle: but John the Divine stands in the position of Joshua: and the manchild of Israel stands in the position of the Tabernacle of God: the Child in the Name of Christ Jesus. But out Jordan is where Haight turned to Love: and there is the baptism of Fire, at the place where the 12 tribes were gathered: the baptism of water came at Beth-El: which some call Woodstock: but it was where we left Egypt after the 3 days just as Israel left Egypt after the 3 day seperation from Satan on the national level; and if you read your Exodus you will find about the same amount of people "left"; about 650,000. Only our Exodus is that of the internal Providence of the restoration into Canaan on the national level; unlike that of israel going to the promised land outside of Egypt: out Journey lay within: but the Song of our Moses was the sign to the entire path of the Just: "We Shall Overcome"!

Thus we have at the Song of the Lamb the information that the 7 overcomings in the 7 churches of the Revealtion of St. John the Divine are those of the 7 Overcomings on the Path of the Just: the 7 Rungs on the Ladder of Jacob: and Jacob has another name: Israel.

I will answer all comments; please let me know if any can follow the facts as they are revealed; for there is more than even this to come; for Osiris is a black god; and his consort is the white goddess: Isis.

But now we have Barack: and Hillary. Let the reader take a good long look at the scenario which we face: for now we have a Christian Pharoah; a Joseph taking Egypt from within: and his consort now his enemy: and the enemy of his black wife: the black virgin daughter of Jerusalem: even New Jerusalem! I hope Michelle knows who she really faces!

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