Alissa, I LOVE this article you wrote about teaching kids about money in a way that is simple and doable for them. It is so important to teach our kids while they are young about money and managing money so that as they get older they can be successful with this. Thanks so much for this very timely and progressive article!
Thanks for the compliments, Meredith!
Great article Alissa. I find I have really fallen down on the teaching of finances to my kids and I am so frustrated with myself.

My daughter received a 25 dollar gift card for Christmas, and some cash. She went to one store and blew the entire thing on accessories! She was so surprised when she ran out of money at her first store.

I've been terrible with money my whole life - I always spend what I have. Even on stuff I don't need.
Thanks Deanna! My son Nick also took a co-op class called Finance for Kids, and used the text Personal Finance, Money Matters to Teens by Larry Burkett (ages 11-14.) We also had a speaker from the bank (Wachovia) come in and do a Hands on Banking seminar for the kids. It was great! I learned alot, too! smile

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