Hi all, my article for this week is a review of The Female Buddha - Discovering the Heart of LIberation and Love. Within it, beautiful photographs of Kuan Yin, a female Buddha of compassion, are displayed next to quotes from women Buddhist teachers and authors from the Buddha's time up to the present. Here's one of my favorites:

"As you see into every level of nature
pure and simple, things get deeper
and more profound. You know and let go,
know and let go, know and let go - empty!
Whatever appears, you let go. The important
principle in your gazing inward is simply to let go."

- Upasika Kee Nanayon, one of Thailand's foremost women Buddhist teachers

I also wanted to let you know I am doing a giveaway of this book (along with 2 others) at my blog - just comment to enter. (I hope to start some giveaways here in 2013 too, but haven't yet worked my way through the forum requirements for doing so):

2013 New Years Book Giveaway

Peace to all.

Lisa Erickson, Buddhism Editor
Buddhism Site
Teaching and Private Session Website: Enlightened Energetics
Blog: Mommy Mystic