Hello and welcome to the Child Abuse site forum. At BellaOnline, we like to provide a safe place in each of our forums for people to discuss the topic at hand without being ridiculed or served up spam. While BellaOnline has it's own Terms of Use (which you can read here) that all forum guests are expected to abide by, here are some specific guidelines for the Child Abuse forum:

1. This is a safe place for victims and survivors of child abuse. It's not a place to debate with survivors about their choices for healing. Also, any posts that promote child abuse will be deleted and reported to BellaOnline management and any appropriate authorities. No convicted offenders or abusers will be allowed to defend their cases.

2. Please don't post your personal info here, i.e. email address, phone number. You may be opening yourself up to more abuse or harrassment if you do so. If you need immediate help, you can email me at childabuse@bellaonline.com, and I will try to help you the best I can with a list of hotlines and organizations specific to your situation. However, emails with attachments will be deleted unless I trust the source they are coming from. You can find help right now in my article How to Find Local Shelters.

3. No spam allowed including press releases. If you are trying to sell something that you believe will help survivors, then please contact me at the email address above so we can discuss the possibility of me doing a review of your item. Posts about events that may seem relevant to the topic will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

4. Please show sensitivity and common sense when sharing your stories. Make sure you follow the BellaOnline Terms of Service regarding content of your posts. Try to find non-graphic ways of sharing your abuse story. If I suspect that you are a sicko just getting off on posting child abuse stories, I will delete your message. I know the tactics that web perverts use, so don't try it.

5. I reserve the right to edit or delete posts at my discretion that do not follow these guidelines.

You may also want to read my post Reasoning for Child Abuse Forum Guidelines to better understand where I'm coming from.

It's my goal to keep this forum a healthy place for survivors to come to and share their stories and get the help they need.

Yours on the healing path,

Last edited by Trish-ChildAbuse; 11/24/10 09:50 AM.

Trish Deneen