So today I witnessed and just had to plaster it on the internet...

The neighbors have had it with the headlines (Thank God!)

They had purchased a second lot for home renovations and today, guess what?

With a CAT in tow, they uprooted the entire lot in the middle of the suburbs! Oh yes...

They've let go of the "Media" and are working for their family and taking notes, not from headlines but from others, real people who really don't have an emotional vestment in politics or their parties. Just reality!

Imagine, a small house originally wanted to be extended but, with reigns in hand have postponed that aspect and will have a field of grains, corn, tomatoes, carrots, onions, potatoes and herbs.

How wonderful it is that it's starting to catch on with more and more people just simply letting go and getting down to (personal) business!


Clairvoyance Editor
Consultations, Angel Therapy & Courses

Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 04/16/09 06:58 PM.

Karen Elleise
Clairvoyance Editor
Clairvoyance Site