The full moon in Aries on September 27 comes with a lunar eclipse.

This lunar eclipse will bring some divine downloads; that you are an infinite being in a body. This moon is about releasing your inner awesomeness. You only receive your highest good when you allow it, and you allow it by stepping forth into that creative being you came here to be. You do not belong on the sidelines. You are the hero of your own life, but you have to claim it. No one is going to hand it to you, because face it, there are a lot of people in your life who are far more comfortable with you staying the same. You 4.0 is too scary for them to consider, so they support you staying the same and not rocking the boat. It’s in your hands and heart, and it’s all there for you right now. Claim it!

As a spiritual being having a human experience, remember you are already spiritual! You, on another dimensional level, are already enlightened. Your Soul chose to come here to be a creator through a body, and carry as much light as possible while in a body. Honor that choice, take action, and create. Remember, Life loves activity, and Life LOVES when you let it work through you in a big way.

For the full moon time in your area, you can go to this website: Time and Date.

Deanna Joseph

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