Hello, and welcome to the New Age site discussion forum. This is meant to be a place where people feel safe in expressing themselves, asking questions, and getting to learn more about the topics that fall under the New Age category.

We have many visitors of different faiths, and beliefs, so to keep this forum peaceful, and supportive, we do have a few rules.

- Please respect the belief system of others, even if they don't agree with your personal belief system.

- Don't try to force your beliefs on another.

- Keeps posts respectful.

- Please don't share essays, or super long posts, but do feel free to share the link - IF it's related to the topic of New Age.

- Please no spamming. This is a forum to learn more about New Age, not to promote your personal business. You can put links to your business in your forum signature though laugh

If a post doesn't comply, it will be locked down, or deleted. Members who continually fail to honor the forum guidelines will be asked to leave.

Thank goodness, this is VERY rare laugh

Thank you so much for being here, and I hope you enjoy your visit laugh

Deanna Joseph

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