Hi everyone. I thought we would do a simple exercise this week. One area of the body we often ignore when working out is the calve. This exercise will strengthen and then stretch your calve muscles.

1. Stand straight and tall with your hands on the back of a chair.
2. Remain on the balls of your feet and lift your heels. Then lower the heels.
3. Continue to lift and lower 20 times.
If you want to make it more intense then hold some dumbbells in each hand. If you decide to do this then you will have to forgo the chair, which is to help you keep your balance. However weight in each hand may be enough to keep your steady. You might want to try it leaning against something, but not with your hands which are holding the dumbbells.

1. After you have done your heel raises you will want to stretch the calve muscles.
2. Go to a set of steps. If you don't have any steps in your home then find something about as tall as a step to place the ball of your foot on.
3. You may use something for balance here, which is why steps work so well. Most steps have a banister you can hold onto.
4. Once you are in position, keep the ball of your foot on the step and drop the heel down.
5. You should feel the stretch in the lower back legs. Hold the position for about 30 seconds.

Just a reminder--walking is a great way to tone your calves, but you still need to stretch afterward.
