Here is a great pose to try out this week and see how it works for you:
How to do Cobbler's Pose also known as The Butterfly:

- Sit on the floor keeping your back straight.
- Bend the legs at the knees bringing the soles of the feet together.
- Wrap your hands around the feet or ankles and pull them towards the groin.
- Pull out from the hips, and push the knees towards the floor.
- Use the elbows to ease the knees towards the floor.
- Once you can feel a stretch in the hips start to pulse the knees up and down, like wings flapping.
- You will eventually get the knees closer to the floor and open the hips to sit in Sukhasana with ease.

Take a look at the Yoga Site for the Yoga Poses Category for more descriptions on yoga poses.

Reference: Tracy Webb