Spring is almost here and hopefully with it will be warm weather. You’re going to want to start wearing shorts and show off your toned legs. The exercise for the week is the Lying Leg Curl and it works your hamstrings and butt.

1. This exercise is done with ankle weights. However,if you are new to exercise then practice the movement until you are strong enough to do it with the weights.
2. Lie face down on the floor.
3. Rest your head on your forearms. Use a pillow if needed.
4. Stretch your legs out long behind you.
5. Bend your right knee and flex your right heel, draw your heel toward your butt.
6. Take a breath and then straighten your leg and lower it back down slowly.
7. Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each leg. You may have to build up to this number.
