Bridge Pose with Leg Extension

1-Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
2-Both arms are lying at your sides
3-Inhale engaging your core by drawing your naval toward your spine. As you exhale lift your pelvis off the floor toward the ceiling
4-At the same time you will be rolling up slowly through your lower, mid, and upper back so that you are actually resting on your shoulders.

What I mean be resting is that it is your stationary point, it does not mean putting all your weight onto your shoulders or your neck. Always protect your neck, do not roll all the way back on it.

5-Keep your hands flat on the floor at your sides and do not try to use them to support you. Your main support should be coming from your legs and abdominals.
6-Hold this "Bridge" position and lift your right leg up into the air until it is even with the knee of the left leg. Hold for one count then bend the knee and place your foot back on the floor. Repeat five to six times.
7-Use your breath, engaging the abdominals and the strength in your thighs to hold the Bridge and keep your lower back and butt from sagging.
8-Finishing your repetitions you can rest your right foot back to the floor and slowly roll from the upper, mid, and lower back, lastly relaxing your pelvis down.
9-You are now back in the original position. Rest for 3 breaths and then repeat go back into the Bridge pose and exercise lifting the left leg.

This exercise is so good for everything. Your entire back will benefit, your legs will be strong, and anytime you are engaging the abdominals, you are working on those 6 pack abs.

If at any time you should grow over-tired or uncomfortable release the pose and rest on your back. If you have intense pain you should see a physician immediately.

Remeber to always check with a medical professional before starting this or any exercise.