I don't follow politics, they usually find me some how, some way, though want it or not.
Back in the clairvoyance forum from day 1 before Obama was elected, A LOT of things I put down have come to pass. They made me sick, unable to sleep, nightmares...I used the "What do you see for the environment, Gov, future, etc."
thread for a release I guess you'd call it.
Before Obama was elected I don't know who was running against the guy, but my dad said, "So and so" will probably win. I said, "No, Obama will win..." our eyes locked. Dad and I don't have that kind of thingy.
Anywhoo, syria, does't feel like it's something that's "Just A syria" type deal. It feels like it's part of something bigger, even like o.k. so and so came to the talking table and we've agreed...also Russia and Israel keep coming up, in my "Stuff" is what I call it, lol. China too, but feels in the end it's U.K or countries of 5? Don't know what that means, yet.
But a month or 2 ago, I went to the library here and the oddest thing happened. I lost a book and wanted to pay for it. Took awhile, but I noticed a pretty bookmark or stack of them. Bright sunshine-flowers, etc, tassle.
I looked closer and at the bottom it said, support the Muslim Brotherhood.
I started to do that thing where I start breathing funny. My husband was there and just held my hand. Rubbed my back. It'll go away.
I said to the librarian taking the money for the book replacement, "do you know who these guys even are?"
She looked behind her and said, "Yes...we've been told not to talk about it."
Kwick statement and she acted like nothing happened and even spoke about new and upcoming books and programs...it was really strange.
Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 09/10/13 10:16 AM.