This week's exercise targets belly fat:

*Lay on the floor with knees bent and both feet on the floor.
*Relax your arms at your sides.
*Lift both legs straight up, but with a slight bend in the knees. Cross your ankles. If you have trouble holding your legs straight it is alright to bend to make the exercise doable to your ability.
*Take a deep inhale and on the exhale lift head, shoulders, and arms.
*Lift both arms so that they are reaching for your toes.
*Come slowly back to starting position and repeat 10 times.

*Stay in this position with your legs lifted. After you have have done 10 repititions then lift your head, shoulders, and arms, again reaching towards your feet, however this time you will stay lifted and pulse your arms towards your feet for a count of 10.

*Lower your legs and rest for 30 seconds then take your legs back into the air with ankles crossed.
*Rest your arms at your side.
*Lift your head, shoulders, and right arm. Reach towards your left foot with your right hand.
*Lower and repeat 10 times. Then reverse the move reaching the left hand towards the right foot.

*Stay in this position with legs lifted, ankles crossed.
*Lift your head, shoulders, and right arm. Reach towards your left foot with your right hand.
*Do not lower but hold the pose and pulse for a count of 10.
*Lower and repeat the pulse with your left arm and right foot.