Hi.. This is a dream I had sometime back! So here goes:- I am walking with my brother. I seem to be wearing a black top. We see a church infront of us. We want to go inside but we know that we are not allowed. As Visa is required and we don't seem to have it. But even then we enter. Nobody notices us or asks us for the visa. Inside It is actually a school! And now my brother has turned into the man I love in real life( but no clue if he loves me back!) So me and him enter the classroom! There are students already sitting! As soon I enter, I separate from my love as he wants to sit in the front and I don't want to. So he goes and sits on the 3rd bench on the right side of the classroom! I go and sit behind on the other side of the room. I have nothing with me. So when the teacher asks to write down something, I ask my neighbour to provide me with a paper & pen. The teacher then suddenly calls out my name(what I have in real life). I am worried of being caught. As my name is common, I don't stand up. So the teacher asks all the girls with that name to stand up. Even then I don't! A classmate of mine sitting behind me shouts, ' Hey Beautiful, you stand up! ' I don't listen. But eventually I stand up. As I do so, I look at my man. He too looks back at me and holds my gaze from across the room. I look away. He still keeps looking at me. The teacher asks me about the cover of a condom on my desk. I tell her that it was being distributed outside. Another lady comes to identify me, buts fails to do so. My dreams ends here. Thank you so much! Looking forward to your interpretations! :-)