It goes without saying that sitting in an interview is probably right up there with extreme stress situations. Unfortunately, the stress causes many candidates to engage in subconscious (hopefully) body movements while responding to questions.

If you're guilty of any of the following - next time, try to control your movement for a smoother interview:

Nervously twisting in the chair
Clicking a pen or doodling
Wild hand gestures
Playing with jewelry
Nervous jumping
Playing with anything within your reach

There will be times when candidates may have a nervous condition - understandable. But if you don't, while you don't have to woodenly sit there, if at all possible, try to control your body movement during the interview. Believe it or not, it can actually be very distracting to the interviewer. All they will remember is the need to duck your flailing arms, rather then what you said.

Do you have any interview habits and you are wondering if they are distracting? Let us know.
Best of luck to you in your job search.

Dianne Walker

Action Movie Editor
Action Movies Site

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Grandma to Half Marathon