Cousin It Bag Update: This week I had the good fortune to meet and spend some time with the beautiful lady who traded with me. Cousin It was a Hit at our Tribal Fun Day in SC. A little one ran to her Mother saying "I just touched a Buffalo!" Her Mother had to come over and see.

Cousin It's second appearance was this week at the Diversity Fair and my new friend was there to witness the children's reaction to it. The bag had been gifted to her years ago and it was time to pass it on. When she found out Cousin It's new role as a teaching aid, she was more than pleased. Even more humorous than the children's squeals when touching the hair, is that the bag had been called "Cousin It" from the start!

The elk horn was a big hit with the kids as well. There will probably be a photo of it perched on a young man's head in the base newspaper this week.

I can't wait for the next Trading Blanket in October! One box already has a few items.

Jane Winkler, Editor
Native American Site
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