Here's five quick ways that actually work to lose body fat fast:

Carb cycling
Calorie cycling
Tabata Intervals
Primal Workouts
Supersets or Complexes

Got questions? Ask away! I have a serious body fat goal for next month so I'll be doing all this and more. Do you have a body fat goal for the summer?

Here's what the numbers mean: Bodyfat Percent Ranges for Women and Men

Essential fat for Women 8-12% Men 2-5% (If you're this low you look like those ultra ripped fitness competitors or like Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman in Black Swan, bones sticking out, no butt, no boobs and no flab anywhere!)

Athlete range for Women 14-20% Men 6-13% (Most very fit people fall into this range)

Fitness range for Women 21-24% Men 14-17% (Most fit people who are not consistent with their diet fall into this range)

Average range for Women 25-31% Men 18-24% (People who rarely workout and diet all the time fall into this range)

Obese range for Women 32%+ Men 25%+ (Most Americans fall into this range)

What's your body fat goal and how will you achieve it.

Monica Neave ISSA Certified Fitness Therapist

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