"As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might." - Marian Anderson

I think this quote is so true, not only in life but at work as well. How many people do you know that do their best to hold others down or keep them back - for many different reasons. Perhaps they're afraid that person is after their job or trying to save themselves from being fired or laid off.

I think it's only by assisting others that we can truly move forward ourselves. We also need to keep in mind the concept of succession planning, by helping others to learn what we do - we clear the way to move forward.

Just some random thoughts on a Friday (when I should be working, but it's all about careers..lol...). What are your thoughts?

Dianne Walker

Action Movie Editor
Action Movies Site

How do I relax? I run!
Grandma to Half Marathon