Hello Everyone!

Please read the BellaOnline Forum Guidelines. BellaOnline takes forum safety very seriously.

I personally ask that you.......

Please use the site for its intended purposes. It is here to enable you to find the help you need from me, your Business Coach Editor, at BellaOnline.

Please treat everyone with the respect and dignity they deserve and you wish to be shown yourself.

When I was teaching I always told my students the only silly question is the one they never ask. If you do not understand or know something, I promise you there is someone else that feels the same way! Please let me know what you need to learn in order to help your business grow and I will do my best to provide you with the answers.

If you want an article on a certian subject I am more than willing to help you.

I will be schedululing various topics and live chat times each week, so make sure you are signed up for the weekly newletter to stay informed.

I look forward to getting to know you all better!

Last edited by Robbie Cannady; 11/08/09 11:16 PM.