My common law husband, boyfriend, significant other, whatever you want to call him - had a public defender (PD) for a really lame criminal case. The PD, was an idiot, so my ol' man ended up with a Real Lawyer! At the end of the case, we decided to buy the lawyer a case of his favorite beer. We went to our local Bellingham, WA Costco for the beer and found an additional drink that looked interesting. It was Coca-Cola in the bottle with real pure cane sugar. Yea, I know, so what? Well, it came from Mexico. We invited the attorney to walk us out of the courthouse to our vehicle because we had a case of beer for him and another gift for him. My man told him "You won't believe this, but we were able to import some Coke from Mexico." The lawyer, relatively young 30-something, looked both intrigued, as well as uncomfortable, but he stayed pretty cool. "They just got the stuff in, and you've been so great, I had to get some for you. It's supposed to be really good stuff. Where we got it from, only sells the good stuff. They have a really good reputation, and nothing goes out the door unless it's grade A quality." We got down out to the parking lot with some idle chit-chat. Got to our vehicle and produced the case of beer and then, the case of Coca-Cola from Mexico. The lawyer loved it. It was the perfect gift, with an ideal presentation. He was going for a long weekend with his buddies, and he'd have them all hyped up for the gift that he received from his recent client - Coke from Mexico.