This is a series of articles discussing Successful IEP Teaching, written specifically TO the educator. Although this series is directed to the educator, it is equally helpful for anyone involved in Individual Education Programs, regardless of which side of the table you are sitting. We see a lot of information devoted to helping parents develop a better understanding of the IEP, but nothing for the teacher. As much as the parents struggle to understand and develop meaning about the specific purpose of this document, so do many teachers. To assume otherwise is misguided and ignores a significant part of the problem. However, with districts and educators stretched to their limits for time and resources, this is frequently overlooked. As a result, educators are lacking the support they need for teaching students with IEP�s.

If you are a teacher who is frustrated by IEP�s, you owe it to yourself to read this series with an open mind. If teaching is becoming a daily chore that you struggle to enjoy, maybe it�s time to try a new approach.

Teacher's Guide to IEP's

Do you think it would be helpful for educators to develop a better understanding about IEP's and disabilities? Tell me what you think!

Diane Miller, Special Education Editor
Special Education Website
Special Education Forum