It's been quite a minute since the RNC; but I was so busy and caught up with what was going on with Hurricane IKE, that I forgot to post my thoughts on the Republican National Convention.

To be fair, I needed to watch just as I watched the DNC. Also, I wanted to be informed by listening to the candidates for myself.

I give the RNC kudos for being respectful and mindful of those affected by the hurricane. In moving onto the convention itself, it was quite interesting to me to note the difference in "techniques" and "tactics". Senator McCain said what I expected him to say. He didn't stray too much from what he's been saying.

Governor Palin was fired up. But, in my opinion she knew what the people wanted to hear and she delivered what the Republicans wanted her to say. (Just my humble opinion). Grant it, she does have leadership qualities, and she showed that she is willing to fight and jump in with both feet. But my major question is: God forbid something happens to McCain if he should win this election, and Sarah Palin takes over. Is she really ready? Or was she a very clever ploy, by the Maverick of all Mavericks, John McCain, to stir the pot, and camaflouge the real issues at hand? In either case, she has the position of VP, with no foreign experience at all.

On another note....

While everyone was so busy picking apart and scutinizing Palin, and comparing her skills with that of Senator Obama, the focus was taken off key issues...especially economics and foreign policy. The next thing you knew, the government is holding emergency meetings that will possibly result in middle class workers (60% of US) footing the bill to the tune of 700 Billion bucks!