Not on this site!! Of course...this is a really cool site, which I'm enjoying browsing through. But I could use a little help or support with something upsetting I encountered earlier... if there are any gay women out there reading would you please do me, and anyone who may go to for a free reading from Galen a huge favour... if you are a lesbian he will tell you that there is a. something wrong with you b. it's not natural c. you're viewing women as sexual objects. His previously helpful advice becomes completely different, he even told me I had no right to call myself gay as it suggested I was happy, I must be called homosexual. And that political correctness (the only reason for being gay) was not welcome on the site. I objected to his comments and had all my posts removed and was banned from the site. I did not swear, or in any way abuse the site. Gay people need protecting in a way because when you ask a personal question you are vulnerable and opening yourself up. His attitude to me became pretty nasty, and in deleting it all, nobody can see what he has done or what he's really like. If we're going to stop people like this we need to do something... something like lots of gay/gay supporting people asking questions on his site, or posting... and being upfront about who they are. No need to be rude- just let him know we exist, many of his other clients are unaware of his very unwise, unpleasant prejudices. (His area of the site is the Wisdom Forum) Please do something!! You go to the site, click bottom left, wisdom forum, then again something similar on the next page where it offers free readings. xxx