I came out at three and a half years older. I wasn't surprised by that. I'm a smoker with a stressful financial life, family problems, and osteoarthritis.

On the other hand...
*Owning a cat did not effect my score. It was recommended I get a dog. I don't want a dog. I don't have the space, time or money for a dog. Also, I thought the emotional health benefits of having a dog applied to cats, too...
*My weight was a huge issue in my overall score. But the score for weight was based on BMI, which doesn't work well for big boned, very muscular people like myself. My score was pretty skewed by that.
*I eat red meat more than once per week and I don't eat fish. Apparently, everyone is supposed to eat multiple servings of fish each week as a primary source of pretty much everything veggies can't provide. Personally, I'd rather starve than eat fish. Ugh.
*I don't eat breakfast. I'm one of those people who is completely turned off to food until I've been up a couple of hours, had a shower, some coffee, and time to get mentally awake. By that time, I'm on my way to work and I end up fasting until lunch. It's been this way since my Mom gave up forcing me to eat breakfast, 15 years ago. There's little hope for me on that part of the score.

I think by the time I answered the food questions, I had been classified as hopeless! lol

Happily Living The Childfree Life!