Quotes from Candidates!!
Unless Moses comes down with two stone tablets from Brokeback Mountain to tell us something different,We need to keep that understanding of marraige.
Mike Huckabee
Its the acts, Its the various acts that people perform that are sinful
Rudolph Guiliani (on homosexuality)
I don't want civil union or gay marriage;
Mitt Romny ;
Don't ask Don't tell underfire;
HRC helped coordinate 12,000 flags for 12,000 Patriots an event in early December on the National Mall to honor those discharged under Don't ask Don't tell; We also pushed each of the major Democratic presidential candidates to go on the record about it on HRC's back story blog;
Hate crimes;
This year, for the first time we were able to pass fully inclusive GLBT hate crimes legislation through both chambers of congress, But in its final stage before reaching the President's desk the legislation was derailed How did it get lost??

Rosie L