Hi everyone!

I wanted to start a thread talking about what tips and ideas you have found to be the most helpful to either your child or your child's teacher for experiencing success in school.

At Horizon Academy, we have each new student construct a poster board about them with their name, pictures, strengths and challenges, and how they learn best. This is presented in their 6-week review and also displayed in the activity room so everyone can get to know them better. We have found this very valuable for both the student getting to know themselves, and the teachers getting to know the students and their unique learning styles.

Parents of students that have transitioned back to their traditional school have made a 1-page summary with the same info for each teacher and team member their child works with. The response has been great!

See my article School Success For Special Needs Children for more detailed information on how to create the 1-page summary.

Please share any more tips or ideas you have come across that allow our kids to experience success in school!