Hi everybody,
I posted this over in the Business Owners section too cuz I haven't found a specific category for WAHMs here, but I'm adding a new section to my website: http://womens-business-gallery.com that will be dedicated to work-at-home moms, and I'm looking for short bios about you and your business (please no spam ads). These will be brief (one or two paragraphs) personal profiles of women who earn money from a home-based business, and who have a website or blog that I can include a link to. This is not the place to troll for your downline though, so please keep your bio short and to the point: who you are, what your business is, and how it's helped you with your work-at-home goals. (Please respond by using the "Contact Us" form on my website to keep the email spammers at bay.) Thanks in advance for letting me showcase your business!