Physical education classes can be a child's favorite or least favorite part of the day. P.E. is a great opportunity to introduce children to games and sports that they will enjoy as they grow up, and also the main reason that a child is not interested in those activities..

We want to encourage our sons and daughters to be physically active and healthy during adulthood, but sometimes don't set the example we want them to have while driving them to lessons and practice, and then sitting down to watch them.

Or it could just be me!

My children have always expected me to play with them, and I remember quite clearly that I often laughed while jogging along next to ponies, helping them practice while they were learning different sports, and of course hiking trails that lead to places they were sure would be worth the walk.

Setting examples at home, no matter how reluctantly, is probably not enough to encourage children to remain active as they grow older. We do expect schools to promote healthy choices and promote physical fitness in P.E. and recess.

Including children with disabilities in mainstream P.E. classes has introduced the concept of adaptive P.E. for mainstream classmates, especially for those who don't yet have much experience or skill and need to learn to enjoy playing sports and other games at their average level of ability.

Some students who have the skills, natural aptitude and experience in sports need to learn games that are not as competitive as school sports that stress their developing bodies and lead to injury rather than fitness.

If you have resources or advice for families who want school physical education classes to be inclusive or adaptive for children with disabilities, please let us know here!

Pam W
SE of Seattle

Inclusive P.E. for Children with Special Needs

Recess Skills for Children with Special Needs

Pamela Wilson - Children with Special Needs Editor
Visit the Children with Special Needs Website