Hi all from Jody! There is opportunity for adoptees,birth parents and adoptive parents to share their input on adoption.com.

Go to www.christianadoptions.com,Then Click on "Protestant" in the denominational list of faith based adoptions. Then click on Christian Adoptee Fellowship or Christian Adoptive Parents or Birth Parents.

You may have to take a short time to join if you are not a free member.

PS. Adoption.com is revisiting their Forums in the coming months and deleting the inactive ones and adding new ones. www.christianadoptions.com
is part of adoption.com but the person who began this, left awhile back. Most of the faithbased forms have no activity and many will be deleted. If you post on these forums on christianadoptions.com they will see the need for Christian forums. They also I have been told will likely moveto a more
visible place on adoption.com And we can be salt and light to those who are seeking answers in their adoption journey by showing them Christ's love. I have
been listed now as a Forum Host on Christian Adoptee Fellowship on this forum.
*** If anyone desires to be a Forum Host for the Christian Adoptive Parent Group- or Birth Parent forums- I do not believe they have these forum hosts. Let me know and I can share the administrator's e-mail with you and you can inquire about being a forum host. There is no pay but a
great ministry on a secular website which I believe is the largest website for adoption on the internet.

www.christianadoptions.com "Protestant" is the only active forum on their I believe when you click on the Index list offerings. As I said, I think the other faith-based forums are non existant- if you click on the other faiths- they have no forums or activity

Jody Moreen, Editor Adoption Blessings Newsletter
Blessed by adoption to be a blessing!

Jody Moreen,adoptee
Adoptees Cafe Devotions
Adoptee Phone Mentor