
a new, yet all too familiar emotion
my hands shake from it, nausea boils
my eyes narrow until I see nothing but visions of red and pain
I want to scream
I want to shake the evil one , pry open it's eyes till it sees truth instead of lies
I see the hideous face in my nightmares
holding my precious ones away from me, just out of arms reach
my precious ones cry for me, I feel those tears, the longing
the emptiness I filled, so void again
the evil one is ugly with cruelty, putrid with the stink of jealousy
sharp red spines guarding against goodness and light
it feeds on our pain, growing massive at the expense of the innocent
why can't I starve it???
the pain is too strong, that is why
I see what it will do
it smothers my precious ones
grinding down, squashing their true beauty and nature
I want to fight, to attack
to save and rescue
but I'm trapped in this land's prison
my hands bound so that they cut into my flesh as I struggle against them
my eyes lift toward the heavens
begging for a miracle, begging for peace
but relief can't come while my heart is so full of love for my precious ones
the injustice of this land made the powers of the evil one too strong
this land believed the mask it wore, couldn't see the insanity bubbling under the surface
and so it won, stealing my precious ones with the help of this land
I've stopped straining for the moment, my chains limp, my soul exhausted
so hatred lies back
curls up at my feet to stand watch for the evil one
hatred is my warrior, it is strong
for it doesn't feel the pain