Hi...this post started more than 2 years ago, with the previous Pregnancy Editor. Now, it's me.

On this subject, I did a bit of digging and found the following:

"As for miscarriage, one in six pregnancies in the general population ends in miscarriage, and 75% of these miscarriages occur before 12 weeks. The risk of a miscarriage also increases with age. If you're over 35 and pregnant as a result of an IVF-like procedure, your risk of miscarrying is quite high."

So, "75% of 1/6" of pregnancies end in the first 12 weeks. A midwife once told me, 25% of them end in the first 8 weeks. Higher than we want to know, but the odds are still in our favor, of a healthy pregnancy growing into a healthy baby.

For us, my tastes, smell, emotions, everything, are dead giveaways about the time the positive comes in. We have just told our family within a week or two our our finding out. We've just thought that if we have to grieve the end of the pregnancy, we'll be able to do it in support. That's just our choice. I certainly see the other points.

Personally Yours,
Allison Welch Tannery