Today, the lives and works of authors are made more accessible through portals that aggregate author material from all over the Web, allowing
students and teachers to study, be inspired by, and connect with the people behind their favorite books and characters. Perhaps the richest and most exciting of these hubs is The goal of the site is
to give all educators easy access to children's book authors and authoritative teaching resources. The huge multimedia children's
literature database uses "cutting-edge technologies to connect educators and families with authors, books and authoritative teaching materials," said Nick Glass, who, before launching the site, was an educator and a
bookseller. Glass is rightly proud of his accomplishment. He calls TeachingBooks "the ultimate children's literature portal -- indexing by author, title, subject and grade, all multimedia programs and resources about trade books that are currently freely available on the Web." Among the gathered goodies are teacher guides (more than 3,200!), National
Public Radio interviews, a wealth of multimedia links, and authors' personal websites -- more than 6,500 links that are continually updated
and checked for reliability.
Connect With Books