Has anyone eve experienced a dream within a dream? I did the other night. It was weird. I watched an episode of the television crime show Castle and in the show, he thought he was having a bad dream and tried to wake himself up. He tried to prove that he was dreaming when he tried to read something because he said that you cannot read in a dream.

Anyway, I had this dream that I fell asleep and then had a dream about finding money but the money was weird looking as if foreign from American money. I couldn't tell who was on the money but half of it was red and the other half was brown.

There was a note with the money and I said to myself that I don't think I can read in a dream. I looked at the note and here were zero's or the letter O's on it with some other gibberish.

My sleep dream woke up from that dream and I said to myself that I knew I couldn't read in my dreams and then I woke up from that dream and thought to myself how weird that was and immediately thought of the episode of Castle.

That is the first time that I have ever experienced a dream within a dream before. Very weird.

Vance Rowe
Crime Editor