Hello Everyone and Everybody and All,

I am back in the land of computers for the while so here we go with a bit of catch up and forum chat.

Oh Les - Ah Big Yaws? I loved the Boston Garden and had to read it several times - heaven knows what a Bostonian accent is like as far as I am concerned, but I had a lot of fun and smiles, thanks so much.

As for Garlic - she is one of my absolute favourites as well, what would we do without it in the kitchen or health stakes? I dunno.

Okay here is my Ogden offering for today, but also think we can put a spin on the 'game' if you wish.

How about the last person to write a 'pome' gets to nominate the subject of the next? Let's see what this does and what more we get? I hope for more verse anyway...


I talk to my plants and in general they listen
And those that don't, well, they don't get my kissin'
Each works for its place in my garden so pretty
My latest? A container of grass for my kitty!

Next subject: Weather

Cheers now

Lestie Mulholland
Container Gardening Editor

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