Can I just say I'm so sick and tired of people using their kids as an excuse for why their life is so hard. "Blah blah blah, well I'm trying to do this and accomplish this, and I have FOUR kids." "Oh, I wish I had time for this or that, but I'm raising my kid on my own!" "Waah, I can't do this or that and everything takes away from time with my kid!" You know what? I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR YOU. Look, kids are a choice. I've managed not to get pregnant for my adult life, because I didn't want it. You don't just "GET" kids, like you get cancer or some other condition. You make kids. So stop whining to me about why your life is so hard because you have kids. You spread your legs, and nature happens if you're not taking active measures to ensure it doesn't. And I'm tired of hearing about it. Ugh.