Nic16 yes it is abuse. It can be really easy to doubt yourself and question whether it is abuse when it's not physical, but it is. I remember the first time someone used the term family violence in regards to my relationship I was really shocked. It took my another 12 months to really get my head around it and end the relationship, or rather have him removed from the house by the police. Actually it took him throwing our then-2 year old son into his car seat with such force that our son made a noise that I hadnt heard before nor since. I would try and keep the piece around our son as much as possible so he wouldn't hear what my ex would say to me. But after the car incident I thought I need to protect my son's safety, AND that I can't hide his fathers behaviour from him forever. I also was concerned that my son would learn to treat women the same way, ad I wanted a better role model for him. Read, research, talk to people and remember even if you do "something wrong" it doesn't make being treated this way ok....ever.