So I'm going back to school (for Nursing) this coming spring and been looking at the scopes of practice I might be interested in. I have a few but I have one I really take big interest in. So being that I believe the Tarot "channels" your high-self to answer questions, I figure my high-self would know me best. So I ask (yes or no question) "Is labor & delivery nursing right for me?" - 10 of pentacles - 3 of rods - king of rods - 8 of rods - knight of rods (R) and I clarified this card with Ace of Swords. Now the way I do this spread is the reversed cards mean "no" and the middle card count double. I used the Morgan Greer deck and the pictorials are similar to the Rider-Waite with slight changes in the details. My interpretation: I feel the 10 of swords talks about what I ultimately want. I know the spread is supposed to go from Past-Future however I have never really felt a sense of what I see in this card. I've felt quite unaccomplished, so this is more of a want card to me. 3 of rods is what I'm definitely looking to do, expansion... On this particular card the man has 3 rods, and the one he has his back turned on has three little acorns... The acorns to me symbolize accomplishments... The two other ones he has on his hands have none, so he's kind of like, putting his past accomplishments behind him and trying to work on the ones he has in his hands right now. The only problem here is I tend to associate this card with travel a lot. So not sure if I'm getting the interpretation right. King of rods I'm a little stuck on.. I thought the trumps resemble people and not exactly sure how I relate to this king? Or if he resembles an event or somebody in my life? I suppose if I "took" this spread as a past-future spread this would be someone I know because it is situated in the present. 8 of wands, another confusing card. I always associate this with something fast, like travel by air. Knight of rods clarified by the Ace of swords... Another ball of confusion because I don't know if the men can resemble women, or if they resemble events or somebody that "may" come into my life. Which is why I drew the Ace to clarify... Whatever it is, I will "cut through/break through" it. Any ideas? Wooooo! Sorry for the long post. :P

Last edited by openminded; 11/24/12 07:33 PM.