Her child should be taught to respect her elders. It doesn't matter whether they are her parents or not. Parents these days can just do no wrong with their brats can they? Honestly, if you aren't going to raise polite, well-rounded citizens that will one day take a place in this society, don't raise any at all. I wish I had more advice for you in this situation, but that's mainly because if it were me I would have just told her the above. And I'd probably throw in "Just because you have a kid doesn't mean you have all the answers all of a sudden. And if you can't accept RESPECTFUL criticism of your child's behavior regarding common sense items like being polite and respectful to elders which WE were taught as children -even from people who don't have kids *who OMG...still amazingly have common sense and manners even though they haven't had kids*- then possibly it's YOU that needs to do some growing up."