this dream began at my job. I was walking around looking for my class. my friend who works here was in it as well however i cant remember his role in this one. other people were going from class to class, staff, students the usual. then the dream switched to me at home sitting. someone was holding me from behind but I knew it was a male. I felt like it was a make energy. as I was sitting i noticed some black ball on the floor starting on fire. I saw smoke and thought it was going to burn the room up. I also smelled smoke when this happened and still did when i awakened. going on the burn turned into a hand sized burning cross with jesus on it. then i saw a few others to the left and right side about a foot apart from the first one. the one cross became clearer and turned into a cartoon jesus on the cross with people at his feet grabbing at him while he burned. while this burning was happening I was screaming jesus and the person that held me held tighter everytime i yelled jesus. when the person got too tight on my left hand i started trying to get away from his grip and calling out jesus as well. but he got tighter. he had his hands in my hands. at one point he kissed me on the forehead. I was able to get loose of his hands and turn his hands around and for some reason I blew in them. his hands were not like mine. they both had 6 fingers instead of five. on his right hand index finger he had two rings, one on the upper part of the finger and the other on the lower part. and a ring on his thumb. i calmed down at that point started to wake up. i smelled smoke but it was no smoke in my house. Now what was this dream about?