Thanks, Jilly. I appreciate your kindness. I hope with time this all gets easier and less intense, but for now his passing is sometimes surreal to me. I miss him so much.

I slept very poorly last night and was awake and looking at the clock at almost every hour.

Another situation cropped up earlier in the evening yesterday that has me very stressed out, and it kept me up almost all night with an upset stomach, which I still have. It has to do with my horses and of course me not working but looking for a job. I hope I don't lose them both. I am trying to sell the younger one with a very heavy heart, but with this economy I have had no luck finding her a new home.

The losses for me keep coming, but of course I have to try to stay strong and keep moving. After a while I just get tired of trying to act the way I'm "supposed to" in order to survive life. I am totally burned out and I can't take much more.

Debbie Grejdus
Spirituality Site Editor
Spirituality Forum Moderator