Is a pet as a gift EVER the right thing to do?

Giving live animals as pets has been a subject of much debate. We certainly know when it isn�t a good idea. �Surprise there is an elephant in my stocking.� No animal should be given as a surprise gift.

Not being prepared for an arrival of a pet is very stressful on the pet and recipients of the pet. Even if the gift giver has thought of everything the gifted pet could possibly need, neither the recipient nor the recipient�s home would be ready for a pet. When we aren�t ready for a situation, especially as serious as a situation as receiving a surprise pet gift, this leads to stress.

Stress leads to a lower immune system, a lower immune system leads to illness, more apt to fall victim to parasites, stress is just not good for any pet, nor is it good for a human.

When then, is it a good idea to gift a pet? What if you have a child that has shown a great deal of interest in a pet? What if this child has been diligently studying and learning about this particular animal. The child has been working hard and saving money from miscellaneous jobs, and/ or allowance. You and your family have had a family conference on having this pet as a family member. Everyone is psychologically prepared for the pet.

The child has been using the money he or she has saved to buy the items the pet will need when the pet is purchased. A veterinarian has already been located should an emergency occur. If everything is in place, why not show your esteem and confidence in your child by giving the pet as a gift?

Obviously, if you have a houseful of friends and relatives it would not be an appropriate time to give a live gift. This leads us back to the mayhem stress factor.

How could this appropriately be accomplished? Perhaps Christmas Eve day a special parent/child or parents/child outing to pick out the pet, much to the delight of the child who has worked so hard to study and save.

Pets as gifts started on a downward avalanche when people bought baby rabbits, chicks, baby ducks as pets during Easter. These practices lead to the death of many of these animals. There are obviously many examples why a pet is not a good gift. However, there has to be examples and stories when a gift of a pet was the perfect gift.

Do you think that it suitable to ever give a gift as a pet? If yes � when? Big gold star to anyone who answers this question.

Piranhas Pets? Latest Exotic Pet BellaOnline article.