Hi Alda,

Welcome to the group.

A few different things could be happening here, without a personal look/reading, etc.

If you are writing and it doesn't "feel" or seem like you after you go back the next day or so and read it, you could be experiencing some blocked out or at the very least stifled emotions you entrust only to your diary. Many people have turned these types of writings into novels, screen plays and such.

You could also be channeling energy or information left behind in your dwelling and having trouble empathizing with it in your daily routines, with work, family, school, etc. It could be hormones or chemical imblance and you're writing during those peeks.

You could be automatic writing, but that won't happen without your consent - knowing and allowing it to happen. It's a relationship where you are aware your channel is being borrowed by another, but more preferably utilized by your higher conscience.

Any of these could be happening. alot depends on the writing itself. It's apparent you have an open channel, what it is that's coming through it, at this point I can only offer possiblities.

Feel free to post more. Maybe we can get to the bottom of it smile


Clairvoyance Editor
Spring Consultation Specials

Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 03/26/09 04:45 PM.

Karen Elleise
Clairvoyance Editor
Clairvoyance Site