Originally Posted By: MysticSophia
I believe that there is evil in the world but I dont believe the devil can make you do anything or that satin has any power to control people. I think there are just people who have so little respect for others or themselves that they do not care who they hurt or how they do it as long as they get what they want. I have met people who have no conscience and I have met people that went beyond that into soulless or no spirit at all! and for whatever reasons, I believe, they choose to become what they are no one made them that way.
I also dont think evil has a religous cornermarket or the lack of evil either.. it is an open door anyone can walk through with no discrimination!

I was going to pick out which part of this I wanted to comment on - but I really agree with the whole thing. You said it perfectly Sophia!

There are some people who through illness cannot control what they are doing, but there are many, many people in this world that just don't care about anyone other than themselves. The selfishness and apathy are what make them evil.

Michelle Taylor
Marriage Editor