Math Question: (hopefully my math is not too far off)

Let's say you spent $7.00 a day on lunch x 5 days a week =
Let's take away 2 weeks of vacation, that leaves us working
50 weeks a year.

$35.00 a week for lunch x 50 work weeks =
$1750 a year on lunch.

Let's say if you brought your lunch from home it only cost you
$10.00 a week x 50 weeks = $500.00

So if we take our eat out money .......$1750
Minus the cost of lunch from home......-$500

That means we save .................$1250.00 per year.
So here is the question...what would YOU do with the extra $1250 per year?

Dianne Walker

Action Movie Editor
Action Movies Site

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Grandma to Half Marathon