Originally Posted By: Lisa - Judaism
I started a business called Mommymorphosis - helping mothers redefine and recreate themselves throughout motherhood. It's now called On The Verge of Me and still just as important - no matter what kind of car you drive. smile

OK... I WANT IN...where do I sign up and where do I send my RESUME??????

I still have my Mini-Van but out of financial necessity.

I don't feel so bad driving it anymore. The air conditioning doesn't work and the heater only works on HIGH in the winter time. The Stereo is ticky and only works when it wants. I haven't figured out it's genre preference yet since it kicks out CD's in random order. They either play that day or they don't.

However, my perspective has changed someone since I started riding a MOTORCYCLE.

Yes, motorcycle. Who knew? If someone would have told me 5 years ago I'd be 41 years old and rolling on the throttle of a HARLEY, I'd have told them they were "OUT OF THEIR EVER LIVIN MINDS".... and today, here I am, every free moment I can get, on that bike going vrrrrroooom.

I haven't gotten as much flack as I thought I'd get. In fact, the other night it was a balmy 60F in our middle class neighborhood. It seemed like everyone was out enjoying the birth of SPRING. I took short ride around the neighborhood and the VROOM gets some notice...but the fact there's a woman is at the helm get's DOUBLE TAKES. And.. it's the grandmother's who are stopping dead in their tracks to clap, wave or give me the thumb's up.


I am one of those mom's whose hay-day was in the mid-80's. I was sold the adage that we can have it all. Well, HELLO... when life,family, children and career hit me FULL FACE... I got thrown into a ROLE. A confining role at that. WHY ohhh WHY... do we have to fit a STEREO-TYPICAL image?? Why do I have to cut my hair short, wear my skirts longer, blouses buttoned up higher, dismiss make-up and feeling sexy for a ROLE that I didn't have anypart in defining. It was already there... and I just slipped into it. And by slipping into a role.. what am I teaching my girls????

Yes girls you can now have it all. You can be a mom, you can be a career woman, you can have it all... but you have to do it within these well defined out-dated parameters which will drive you crazy.

Ahhhh.. no. Not for me. I decided it's time to get out of that box and re-define who I am.. who I want to be... and how I want to live my life. And that means experiencing life to it's fullest not merely being a spectator.

So... the metamorphisis and busting out of the caccoon (MINI-VAN) has started. Painful yes. Worth it?? You betcha!!!!