I am having a problem with my female cat (cat #2 of three - altered long hair mixed tiger stripe). She is about 10 months old and eats EVERYTHING. For instance, if I leave something on the counter while I go to get the baby she will eat it. She eats raw tofu, raw meats, bread, baby food - ANYTHING I leave out for a second, she eats.
She doesn't usually get sick, but she is getting fat and I worry about her health!

I've tried a squirt bottle but she LIKES IT!!! I've used packing tape turned inside out but she can get around it. I'd like to say I will never leave anything ont he counters for a second or two, but it isn't gonna happen!

Any ideas? Today I had to scrub orange off her white paws because she fell into a pot homemade of soup! Thankfully it wasn't boiling yet, I had just turned the burner on under it. If I have to lock her in another room when I cook, I'm going to have to.

My other cats (11mo old male, 8 mo old female) don't do this!!!!!! My dog doesn't even do that!


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